Gears of War 3 Beta Unlock Save

So there has recently been lots of people on here asking for a save so i figured i would just upload one with all of the unlocks and make a thread so everybody could find it.

Download The Save Here- Credit Goes to Typhlosion because yours was already uploaded :smiley:

Make sure you rehash and resign it to your profile and device

I dont know if this works or not yet, i will find out Monday night (midnight release)
I also dont know if Epic will ban for this or not so use at your own risk

Epic has stated before that they will BAN people if they are caught doing things they shouldn’t. modding/glitching & even as far as people telling others about what happens to Carmine etc… Cliffy B has already stated this numerous times…

Whether they actually enforce this, I am not sure…

If you are to use this, use a test account first… just incase :smile:

i wouldnt really consider this modding cuz your not modifying anything. Just sharing a save (correct me if im wrong)

Well, your getting content that should be only for certain people, so it slight counts as marketplace theft?

Game developers don’t see things like that as “sharing.”

none of this is from the marketplace lol. I didnt buy anything and the beta was free so how can you steal free things?

What all do you get with it?

Yeah I know it’s not from the marketplace, but it’s supposed to be linked to whoever achieved it. Your getting a free character skin and Gold Retro that you didn’t earn so Epic won’t like it and ban the person who tried to get it.

There’s no way to track a save after the IDs are switch you know resigned so you will be fine

Everything from the beta that was unlockable for retail

i heard u also need the gpd for this to work, anyone with an early copy test it?

So anyway, Epic has deleted the player beta data from their servers. They don’t know who achieved what. There is always a possibility that Epic might find out that you shared the save but I’m not sure if they can. But as many people say there is always a risk.

I forgot to mention, it would be odd to login to gears 3 without the save on the first day and then return with it on the second day. So be careful as they will be able to spot that.

This will get you BANNED,
Since the actual save registers to the users gamertag, that’s right if you did the save legit and change gamertags they ban you. @Gearsviking.

some people say if you change the IDs of the save to your gamertag and console etc, you shouldn’t be found out. I am a little skeptical however.

if you love this game as much as I do, you would be wary :smile: I have decided to hold off on it, I may try the missus gamertag though hahaha!!

I woudn’t really take the risk on doing this…

To everybody warning other saying they dont want to take the risk

No problem. :3 But if this works, and I get banned from GoW because of it, imma kill you. :laughing: Kidding, kidding.

A lot of people say to create a fake account, get free membership and try it out. I might do this however if someone already did this, I wont have to.

Then download the save and null all the IDs (just delete them) then reupload and ill post a new link