Generation Zero Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hi guys, enjoying the mods/trainer, but what do Game Speed and Set Time do - in case: what are they worth?

game speed= how fast you character move
set time= make the game day or nigh depends on the time you input

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Thanks Yugi - in most cases moving faster doesn’t seem ‘natural’ to me. Set time can be handy though!

The Generation Zero cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

salut, les munitions infinies fonctionnent parfaitement.
merci pour la MAJ

so, any unlimited schematics update?

Did you Generation Zero Trainer Enhanced Upgrade?

This Reason; FLiNGTrainer Version Generation Zero Trainer has Dosen’t Update.

Unlimited Items -Ammo Upgrade Limit (99 → 999)

One hit Kill
Stealth Mode
Slow Motion
Super Speed

Please Upgrade Generation Zero Trainer

keep crashing the game even when opening the game first

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Please try to verify your game integrity files and ensure you are using the latest trainer version and not in multiplayer while using the mods.

I feel like it’s hard to grind for schematic points any way you can add infinite/unlimited schematic points? please.

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What Happend to Generation Zero Trainer Enhanced Upgrade?

Unlimited Items -Ammo Upgrade Limit (99 → 999)

New Cheat!
Items Don’t Decrease
One hit Kill
Stealth Mode
Slow Motion
Super Speed
Exp Multiplier

What’s Going On?

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Since thes’Days(halfNew PC;i3:41xx->i7:61xx>x1630;&ddr 3->4)=>F2->back to the Desktop. :thinking:
PS.:…marginal… :saluting_face:

Can we get an update for this and also add unlimited fuel option, Skill Point Editor, 100+ Command points when opening map, and Stealth? This needs an update


My game keeps crashing when activating the trainer.
I tried verifying game files and that didn’t help.


I’ve been asking for so long :frowning: is it possible for a unlimited schematic points cheat??? pls tell me :slight_smile:

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the game will soon be getting it’s last update.

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unlimited stam not working. all others do though


F-Tasten funktionieren seit heut nicht.Auch Overlay nicht.In HL2 aber funktionierts…nanü :slight_smile:
Nachtrag: Statt F1 lässt sich Ziffernblock 1 einpflegen.Nunya…z.Bsp;schauu merr maa :saluting_face: :slight_smile:

I would write in english, since this is an english community

If people haven’t figured it out…the unlimited stamina crashes the game. At least in my games. As soon as I hit F2 it crashes. I am using unlimited health, weight, ammo and no reload. Those are the only ones I use and it lets me keep playing.

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