God of War Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Even if you don’t set the multiplier to max? Just set it enough for high damage, but still not one shotting boss fights if that makes sense?

No, i tried it and doesn’t work. On all other enemies it working great. But on the Knights not.

Work perfectly , many thanks !

Any ideea about free look camera to move around ? Ty !

i played this game on PS like 7 times. so i wanted to know how well my pc will do 4k with all the extra glow up.
as usual, Fling is ALWAYS on point! runs great. thank you so much! i dont pirate. so having the steam version working is amazing for me. im glad i joined this community :slight_smile:

One-Hit kill not working on the last valkyrie (i think is the boss valkyrie with longest HP bar)

After the last update uses the infinite health makes Kratos die with a single blow

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I’m not having this issue. What is killing you in one hit? They shouldn’t be able to hit you with the cheat on.

You must be using God Mode which makes Kratos untouchable. I’m talking about the cheat activated with F2.

I tried both and didn’t have an issue with either.

I’ve also had this problem.

If you and @PRIMALUS are still having an issue with this try turning the Defense Multiplier up to 16. I was one shot by the valkyrie queen with Unlimited Health on but turning up the multiplier in combination with unlimited heath made it so she couldn’t kill me.

Hej i guess this needs an Update. Num2 etc not Working

The Trainer Needs a update to 1.6 Game Version
thank you



would it be possible to add cheats for mist echoes and Anchor of Fog?

Hello! if i play with this cheat then i will not be banned? Steam

You shouldn’t be banned. I’ve been playing with the trainer since it was released on PC and nothing has ever happened

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Patch 1.09 today. Unlimited Health and Unlimited Arrow both still work.

was wantiing to know if you guys can add a “edit max health” option on god of war

Is there any info on if he is going to mod the new god of war out now