i don’t mind tattoo’s i myself have two full arm sleeves from shoulder blades to wrist…and me being a structural engineer and i hire and fire people…but i would have to say i agree with alot of people get what you like but think long term…I myself coming from a business stand point i would have to turn you down if you was to apply…IF you keep that covered and hope where you live it stays cold my good friend if not someone is gonna be VERY VERY VERY hot in the summer while on the job
waste of 20 bucks imo, i think you answered it yourself
dunno if you noticed the feet
there like something my 5 year old kid would draw
While i appreciate all of your concerns, this tat was thought out. Consequences in mind, i knew what i was getting myself into. Its easy to hide if i need too. Luckily being self employed and grown i dont have to worry about this. I posted this to share, not recieve hate or nasty opinions. To those who dig it and said nice things, they are appreciated. The rest of you however can piss of.
I don’t even know why anyone cares too be honest. Anyone who hates your tattoo probably thinks of the image of it which is marijuana, which to me is a gift of god since it is a natural plant. Not to get too off topic, but I think it is art and all art should be appreciated and respected no matter the image or the quality.
To me it looks like it could be better, but for the price I think it looks great! Nice tat man I dig it.
Bolded the parts that I am focusing on:
The part of people caring or not would be since it was put on a forum, and regardless of original intent, that is what forums do. People will critique what they are shown since what was the point of putting it out there to begin with?
On the subject matter about art, the problem with that is what a tattoo represents: permanency (unless you would be willing to pay a costly removal procedure).
This isn’t art that can be improved over time (which imo it really needs improvement), but something that for good or bad will be stuck on your body for the rest of your days. The eyes, the feet, knife, and blunt all just make it look like something extremely immature. Something that shows off a leaf (possibly within another design) would look substantially better than a strange and crude little drawing.
It reminds me of those people who want the world to know that they smoke pot as a status symbol for whatever reason (regardless if they do or not, because really, who cares? It’s just a currently illegal drug, nothing more.) with putting “420”, “blaze it”, or any other just completely idiotic phrase they can come up with.
i showed this to my artists yesterday they were laughing their arse’s off i couldnt help to laugh either but in all honesty REALLY… gg its what you wanted so you got it props for that but they brought up a good point also im not saying it is but it really looks like a henna tattoo… but $20 thats a deal my shops minimum is $40 did you personal know the artist?
Thats all that matters man that you like it…ya most people wouldnt like it most people will…all that matters is you knew what consequences it would have and you know what to do to cover it…right on…thats the best thing when my workers see me on my day off or at the gym they are shocked to know about my both arms sleeves…its your body man make it a work of art
Aaaaaaaaaaaand this thread is done.