Green Hell Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I died from an infection, so infite health doesnt work?

All the cheats seem to work great, except for one thing. The indestructible items cheat doesnā€™t seem to make your armour indestructible, only weapons and tools.

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Hi! Cheats doesnā€™t work anymore.

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A cheat for unlimited carry capacity would be useful.

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Hello, the trainer isnā€™t working at all since the last game update to v2.8.0.

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Have you tried launching your game first and switching to WeMod after? Also, could you provide us with more information about what isnā€™t working for you? Do the mod options stay On but have no effect? Or do they toggle Off?

They toggle off.

Aight got it. Will inform the team so they can review and test it. Iā€™ll get back to you once I have an update.


The team tested the trainer and encountered no issues. Please ensure you are only using the mods in single-player and using the latest version of the trainer. You can verify this under the history tab.

Regarding the easy construction mod option. It will work if you activate the mod before starting a new game or loading a saved game, as indicated in the Mod instructions.


So the modifications are all invalid

Is a option for unlimited carry weight possible at all or is it just not worth the effort?


Everything works. Both single-player and co-op modes.

game stuck on infinity loop when start it through wemod and not thing happen if start the game normally without wemod

Looks like we got lighting. Anyone try out the latest patch?

need a complete notebook cheat


Hi , Green Hell cheats dosnā€™t work with new update!
Please update the cheats and release a new version of cheat

The Green Hell cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

for next update if you can , add full notebook please !

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Is there any Chance for a change day/night option, i do love the dark parts of teh game, but, i also like to explore Arreyas in tourist mode and enjoy the views.
thx in advance

will this green hell trainer work for the VR version ?

From what I know, Iā€™m afraid not. You can try manually linking it, but thereā€™s no assurance it will be successful.