Halo Wars: Definitive Edition Cheats and Trainer for Xbox

Steam, i can add it for store if you like.

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i have the win19 version.

Alright, should be done tonight if the steam version isn’t different from store much (i am sure it isn’t).


hope its not different.

+1 for win 10 store version support

The Halo Wars Definitive Edition trainer has been updated!


  • Added support for Windows 10 Store version

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!



It seems the inf health is also given to the enemy without going near them.


I’m experiencing the same issue. Infinite health seems to be affecting everything on screen rather than just selected units

Don’t keep it on and only mouse over the units you wish to make invincible.

I have done as you suggested but it is still really unplayable with infinite health or feeble. Both just seem to affect anything on screen and sometimes areas off screen too. Invincibility also randomly wears off on some units after awhile

hey I am curious do you think you could some how make a way for users to play as the flood on windows and steam edition or would that be too hard?

For invincible and feeble it does affect all units on screen. Tested over multiple missions and with both gamepad and keyboard/mouse.

game received a new patch.


I’m having problems on level 10: Shield world, the MINUTE Cutter shuts his trap and the base is there, instant fail with Instant buildings on, No population limit on, Unlimited crates on, and unlimited reactors. when I DON’T have them on it’s not a problem.

Still having issues with two trainer cheats. The one to make your unit’s invincible and the one to make you enemies feeble. When I switch the invincible cheat on for the game it makes both enemies and alliance un-killable. But when I put the feeble cheat on, it make both enemies and alliance both insta kill each other. Please fix these two cheat’s please.

ok i have the same problem with fallout shelter the cheats wont load my firewall isnt affecting infinity and im loading the game through infinity

Infinity no inicia el juego de Halo wars definitive edition windows store y al iniciar el juego normal infinity no activa los mods, ya desinstale por completo infinity y lo volvi a instalar, el problema persiste :frowning:

Ehm… English?

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The “Mouse over the Unit to apply cheat to” tip doesn’t make any difference. The Invincibility and Feeble cheats still apply to ALL units of both sides.

This might be rather late since I’ve just started using this a few days ago, but I’ve encountered the exact same problem myself. Something that I have found to be helpful is to start the mission without mods, then after that turn on only three mods. The Unlimited Supplies and Reactors Mods, and the Insta Build Mods. This combinations worked for me multiple times. The problem lies with the Zero Population Cap limit mod. DO NOT TURN THE LIMITLESS POPULATION MOD. That ruins the mission the second I clicked it. And don’t even bother grappling with the invincibility/feeble mods. Also try launching directly from the infinity program instead of steam. I don’t know if that does anything. But just in case…