Hearts of Iron IV Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Unlimited organization doesn’t seem to actually do anything. The bar and stats on your divisions say that they have maxed out organization, but it doesn’t stop the yellow exclamation mark from showing up. There is still “organization too low to advance”

The Hearts of Iron IV cheats have been updated!


  • Production Speed Multiplier cheat added
  • Construction Speed Multiplier cheat added

Got the same issue with Hearts of Iron. Purchased on steam.

Is anyone having issues with instant wargoal not working at all? or political power reset to 0 on every game day? I’m currently having both issues, any input is appreciated. :slight_smile:

The production and construction speed options are the best cheats added so far for hoi4, but they are gone when using the mod today, yesterday the options where still there?


Creator, I don’t know why my tools can’t adjust the production speed of military equipment and the construction speed of buildings today.[u] There’s no such option on them**(crying)**


Where production and construction speed options?


Seems like they got removed for some reason which is quite sad because these 2 options where the best stuff they added since a long time =(


Why was it removed?


For some reason, sometimes the game can detect trainer is running and void the achievement, sometimes do not. Quite puzzling.

Instant Prototype doesn´t work, and pls bring the two things from the last update back

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Its such a shame, that there is no communication at all when stuff gets removed or things are happening^^

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We hope that the lost functions can be restored, after all, production capacity is very important

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Hello! From what I know, mods/cheats are removed when they disrupt the game, impede progress, or lead to crashes. These particular cheats could be easily detected by the game’s anti-cheat system, frequently resulting in-game crashes and such. Thank you for understanding.

I used production and construction multiplier for days without any problems also Hoi4 has no anti cheat.


What anti-cheat system?? There’s no anti-cheat system in hoi4. It never result my game in crash… and I use bunch of mods in game as well. Those 2 bars where great!! Please bring them back!! pleaseeee


Right now none of the trainer selections are working for me. None of them in no setting, no mod or anything.

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taking out the production and construction modifier out kinda lame ngl


the mods could crash the save game…
for i to play my save game i have to start new game and reload my save game that i want to play having a bug due to the mods…but i still can play!
there’s no anti cheat system in the game…or…it’s a new thing realeased by update.
other thing…god mod i don’t know how it works but i see i’m loosing ships…
But soldiers i’m not loosing.

Can someone responsable for this topic bring some news?

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