Horizon | Forza Motorsport 4 Tool Released

Horizon v2.1.1.0 has a Forza 4 modder :smile:

It edits the same things as the Forza 3 tool, but more will be added soon.

Spam unknown’s profile with thank yous :wink:

Yay more hax!

yayayayayay :smile:


Great job guys!

Awesome, I love updates!

Oh yous people.

Thanks :wink: Another thing I wanna know is, Does Forza 4 have a checksum?

Ty. Can any help me update to LT 2.0? :smile:

Great news! Keep it up!


Hopefully this won’t differ from the Forza 3 editor, that was awesome.

Thanks Devs :smiley:

Any news on Liveries?

I Tested it i feel cool lol, Yeaah boy moar moniez for teh devs

You have a thread on updating help. Keep your discussion in there, I’ve been trying to help you but you still have neglected to hook up your drive and tell me if JF find it. Plus you aren’t suppose to play FORZA 4 on lt2.0 until an update comes out for it.

But great job unknown.

Now another thing tomorrow i am looking forward to :thumbsup:

Mod tools before games are even out now!

Great job devs

Pretty cool, I’m glad to see tools being added on or before the games release date.

When does forza come out?

It’s not out yet for UK, not sure about anywhere else but - Wow, that’s pretty EPIC.

Deloreans for everyone! Nice work Devs.