Horizon not work for me

I have windows 10 and horizon not work for me

Tell us more about your problem.

I see you have AVG. Completely disable it while you run Horizon. It is known to cause issues.

mine dose the same thing

so what are we doing?

Did you try my suggestion of disabling AVG including the real time shield?

No i have windows anti virus

Oh alright I just saw the AVG icon in your video. Are you using the admin account of the PC? Horizon should not be asking you for admin permissions as it isn’t required.

Disabling windows anti virus?

Windows AV shouldn’t have any impact on Horizon but you could always add an exception to make sure it isn’t. I was referring to the admin account on the PC. Horizon shouldn’t ask to run as Admin. Try lowering or disabling your UAC setting.

i have the same problem but am running windows 7 and every time i click on it it says theres error ad windows is checking for a solution

I’m just going to suggest the most common things to try.

  1. Disable any antivirus and firewall you have
  2. Install .Net Framework 3.5(Horizon requires it regardless if you have any others)
  3. Install microsoft C++ distribution packs 2008-current

not work :frowning:

still doesnt work still crashes

I’m having the same issue all of a sudden and I’ve ran all the net framework repair tools and and made sure i had all the right distribution packs downloaded.

So what i can do?

Disconnect from the internet and run it. If that works it means there is something blocking it when it tries to connect to the server.

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What block the horizon?

It is impossible for us to say what would be blocking it. We will be adding error logging in a future update so these issues can be better diagnosed.