How do i change app file locations?

So recently I’ve got infinity and i was going to try it but ive accidentally chose the wrong file location and now it wont work and i don’t know how to change the file location.

You can try do a clean re-iinstall, follow this steps.

(1)Delete Infinity

(2)Run ICDV2 tool -


Go to your %appdata%/Daring Development\Infinity folder and delete it. The cache is corrupted

(3) Install again.

Not sure thou what you ment, kinda strange to install in wrong directory and mess up infinity

You can’t choose wrong file location.

Which game is it?

I have been having the same issue. I had all of my trainers, but then I upgraded to the newer version of Infinity 2.0 and now there are no trainers.

Did you try the tool linked above?
What did you actually try to do.
There is no version 2 anymore of Infinity.
Infinity 3 is up and running and is most likely what you have since it’s automatically updates

I did mean Infinity 3.0, I just didn’t know that’s what it is now, and I tried deleting and reinstalling Infinity, also, when I click on the tool it says the page doesn’t exist.

Try if this works.

It’s simple and it is said how to use it in the thread