How to fix an allegedly corrupted gamer profile?

Hi all!

I’ve bought a new XBox360 (slim) and wanted to move my gamer profile from my old XBox360 to the new one, using a flash drive. In the old XBox, the profile is fine.
In the new XBox, the file is marked as “Corrupted profile” when going to STORAGE and MEMORY UNIT.
The dashboard of both boxes is the same.

I also tried and used Horizon to Save, Rehash and Resign the profile. No change. :cry:
I don’t want to loose my gamer score and everything else related to the profile.

Any idea how to fix this, since the profile isn’t actually corrupted?

Just recover the profile through Xbox Live, and whala a new profile.
Good luck. :smile:

You could also try quick fix in Horizon.

Edit: fixed a word, dumb autocorrect xD

Recover your Profile and you should be fine :smile:

I may be wrong, but I guess if that one profile is corrupted, I can not sign in to XBox Live and thus not recover anything.
But I found a thread in another forum where it says that it shows as corrupted, because my old box was banned.

You can simply delete your profile by going to your storage then profiles, then recovering your

You can still recover a profile, simply delete the profile off your HDD then open up your menu, then hit download profile (I think). Then type in your credentials and let the recovering begin!

To recover a profile, all you need is an active internet connection to connect to Xbox LIVE. And yes, if the previous Xbox was banned your content will have been corrupted. Just delete any content/profiles that were effected and re-download. (assuming your profile was not banned)

Pretty sure you can download and recover the gamertag without any problems.

If your old xbox got banned, then the profile isn’t corrupt but it’s licensed to that console, either hex the license(usually the 1st) to -1 or use a tool like conflag remover to do it.

–Didn’t mean to thank

I can not recover it on the banned console, of course, and with the new one I can not connect to XBL. I also can not download it, because it got never uploaded. Even when the old box wasn’t banned yet, I never were online with that profile, but with another.

The CON flag remover is the best choice, I guess. And finally it did work!
Now I have my 24683 gamer score back!

Thanks everyone for suggestions! :smiley: