I got farcry 5 and tryed the trainer and the cheats won’t work

I tryed disabling antivirus and restarting my pc but it won’t work sometimes it says
Cheats can’t load but sometimes it won’t say anything and still not work

@ddaarrkknneess Is it cracked, ubisoft or steam version? Also make sure you click the glowing update button at the top if its green

also click the update button at the top if its green

Already went over this in the far cry thread no need to make another one

Steam and I’ll check

And that question was asked already in the far cry thread too

It’s Ubisoft they won’t let you cheat(anticheat built in)

How do I get past that

you press play in Infinty which in Turn bypasses the anticheat

Not true Ubisoft games have Anticheats so it’ll crash the game

Okay so the trainer doesn’t work and never has. The devs are lying for money and all the users are just paid shills. Is that true?

That isn’t how it works and we disable the anticheat. If you’ve used the trainer you will notice it forces you to launch from Infinity and can not be done after it has already launched.

Thats why I say bypass.

Eac can be deactivated and a way to do so on far cry 5 has been found ages ago

re gay for Farcry 5 lol