If You Could Add One Tool, What Would It Be?

Skyrim im still wiating 4 skyrim

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Terraria would awsome. Such as a inventory editor/health/mana/damage/all that good stuf :smile:

i want to add red dead redemption undead nightmare

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borderlands 2

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or Fable 3 and more gta 5 mod :thumbsup:

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You could use the “gibbed save editor”. But yeah, a bl2 save editor in horizon would be great.

Its server side, so no.

It would be great if they add some more features to the editor but i guess you could try the hazard’s gta 5 save editor.

Diablo 3 ros

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Dead rising 1 and dead rising 2 off the record

FUEL, money editor and unlock all

Diablo 3 ROS

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Minecraft, Or Terraria!

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Dark Souls,

Or basically nay game where a mod tool can save you hundreds of hours of pointless grinding to to get a few items.

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I don’t know if it exist
Gears of War Judgment gpd editor

I don’t know why we post on here there is not one of theses ideas made on horizon so its like why did he make this thread

That’s not true. Some requests are just not possible, and others are just too much work to create, considering how many members would actually use it, if it were created. Horizon developers put alot of time, and effort, into the tools we have available within the program. I’m sure if you read every post in this thread you would see that some tools or ideas were implemented in Horizon.

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id say the other borderlands and skyrim game is what id say to add.

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A better Halo Reach

terraria probably

Medal of Honour (2010)

The tier 1 mode (against the clock is a royal pain)

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