IfSunSets Cheats and Trainer for Steam

same here game crashes, fatal error, & ive also tried everythin

Same same, Game still is crashing as soon as I put wemod on in game OR, when I start the game with WeMod. Fatal error.

Game modifiers. None of them seem to be working properly. Hope this can be fixed soon. Thank you very much

Hey! We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.


Strange thing happened today, The mod stayed on for about 20 seconds, then FATAL Error again.
I don’t know if anyone has looked at this issue yet so I’m just reporting what happened.

The testers also confirmed the issue. The trainer is now in the queue for updates.

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Hello MrAntiFun just checking did you had chance to to update If Sunsets game I rely Lick thes game please

The IfSunSets cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Still crashing after putting wemod on.

Though most of the cheats seems to work, and I’ve experienced zero crashes. There is however one cheat that has never worked for me, not before and not now after the ‘update’. And that is the “set inventory item quantity”. That one just doesnt seem to do anything.
Tried it many times, and for me just does…nada.
Dunno maybe it’s just me, reading that cheat wrong, or that “cheat” is just there to look pretty.

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It’s working now :wink:

Thank you for fix, but Inventory function still doesn’t working, can you fix it too? pleas, i can’t using “Set inventory item Quantity” it was help me for multiple items, now it doesn’t work =( Thank you for every thing your job.


Ditto “Set Inventory Item Quantity” still dose not work, also curious what dose “Set Max Weight” Actually do? Also is it possible to develop a Mod for “Free and Instant Buildings” + “All Crafting Recipes/ Blueprints” + “Stop Time” + “Build Anywhere” + “Heat Resistance”???


“Set Inventory Item Quantity” cannot be used. Hope it can be fixed as soon as possible. Many thanks to the wemod engineering staff

Hi! Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again. Make sure to use the most recent trainer version, which you can check by going to the Mods version under Mod settings.

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Two methods have been tested so far. Before entering the game or after entering the game, start wemod. But there is no response. The inventory quantity is not changed.

This is noted. May I know if you’ve followed the mod instructions for that mod? Also, are you using the mods on a multiplayer/co-op mode?


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I am playing single player mode. Follow the instructions

omg… we know how to use the mods …we all told you it WORKED before…we are not 2


Gotcha. We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.