Incursion Red River Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Any update on if this is going to be worked on?

Hi there! Could you please let me know which mods are not working for you?

None for me. The game crashes as soon as you load up WeMod. Even if you do it once you’re loaded ingame.

Thanks for letting me know! Are you using the mods on a multiplayer/co-op mode? Make sure to use the most recent trainer version, which you can check by going to the Mods version under Mod settings.

Using the most recent version available. Happens in Solo. Have not tested it in Coop.

Sorry, thought you were aware, nothing working for me. I’m only playing solo as well.

Dont supose theres any news?

the only mods that do not work are unlimited health and one hit kill. No reload will sometime not work because the bullet will be drain to 0 - most of the time when wait for a while and the bullets magazine is 0 and you have not shoot for a while, the gun will not be fired so i have to bring extra bullets to reload the mag. other than that the other mods work only for solo.

Unlimited HP doesnt work with the current update [Pre Alpha #]. (Solo private session)

It’s been working fine for me for the last twelve days I’ve owned the game (bought it three weeks after released. Or in other words the day before the last trainer update).

This game has not worked for me since the update in Aug i can load into the game but cannot load into a raid each time i have tried it fails

no reload is not working

Also i have to close all cheats before the deploy and reopen after deploy

New update released today nothing works

It’s now in the creator’s queue to be updated. To receive notifications when the trainer and its mods are ready, please click “Notify me” on the game trainers page. Thank you for your patience.


The Incursion Red River cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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Unfortunately, it seems the health cheat doesn’t seem to work even after the update.


Indeed the unlimited health isnt working


I hope unlimited health gets fixed.


The unlimited health is not working


Still needs an update the unlimited health is broken