I’ve been having the same issue. Although when I tried clicking on Open Setup Log nothing would open. I use Norton and it already flags WeMod files as trusted, and I do not have discord downloaded.
When I try to reinstall, including after ensuring all WeMod/Squirrel files have been deleted, nothing happens. It’s in my downloads folder as WeMod-Setup.exe, but when I click on it, even as Administrator I get a brief blue wheel (Windows) then nothing happens. Norton verifies it is a trusted file, and when I run it in Norton sandbox it works fine. Adding the file to Nortons exclusion list also changes nothing.
Yeah all the answers we get is try to reinstall. But it does not work. Because the latest version is buggy. And this all happened when wemod program started to update itself to the latest version. And they want us to jump into hoops because they think its a user error. How can it be a user error if the program updates itself and then it went kaput?