Is account sharing allowed?

So as of right now I can no longer afford to keep my pro membership up as life is beating me up. I was wondering if my friend would get in trouble if he let me log into his wemod account in order to use wemod with certain games that require pro to use mods on.

While I can’t answer your question, I’m curious to what certain games would require a pro membership to WeMod to use? I’ve been using WeMod as a non-pro member for years and never came across a game or cheat/mod that I could not use while being free. Sure I don’t get the ability to use it via the mobile app, but that has nothing to do with any of the games.

All trainers are free to use, and none require Pro. Account sharing is not allowed and would result in a loss of his Pro privileges.

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I cannot use the trainer for TCG Card Shop SImulator without pro.

The switch on/off buttons are for Pro users. Just use the hotkeys to enable the mods. (ex. F1, F2)

tested, and now I feel very dumb. thank you.