Kingdoms and Castles Cheats and Trainer for Steam

The Kingdoms and Castles cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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This still doesn’t work.

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Could I know how to use the enable creative menu feature? I click it but nothing happen.

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should enable creative button on the right side at the bottom

This is the whole process, it’s that simple. v121r2s

Isn’t working on v121r4s. Can’t get any menu at all, it says activated but nothing happens.

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Actually, it is working but only launching the game through Wemod, if launching wemod after the game running the menu doesn’t show for me. Thank you.

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Hello! ^^ :wave:

So, not sure if anyone is still working on this trainer, but “Reset Has Used Cheats” Doesn’t seem to be working, and hence when you use creative mode I think that it is also blocking achievements.

Wrote something about this about a while ago - and I actually started typing out another until I remembered I already did that lol ^^ - and I don’t think that ever got fixed unfortunately.

But I’m writing this as a WAY AROUND THIS for players like me who still play the game! ^^ Rather than a complaint or anything! ^^ Now to the guide! ^^ ;

So, what I found is that you can do this (if you are playing on steam)

Go to the BETA branches and go back to 117r7, from there you can go into the history of the trainer and use the one from 4 years ago.

If you are playing on that version and using that version of the trainer; you can get all of the achievements whilst using creative mode ^^ - just remember to use Reset Cheats and turn off creative mode first BEFORE getting an Achievement! ^^ (Not sure if doing that matters, but I think it does! ^^ )

But yeah! ^^ After you are done getting the achievements, you can go back to the main version of the game and trainer and play with creative mode how you wish, without the worry of achievements! ^^

I hope this helps! ^^ Please and thank you for reading and I hope you all have a good day / night! ^^


Hello @Manjizzle , @lukekido , @NeutralSail225 and @BoldTurtle910 ! ^^

Sorry for the ping; but I see that you four put a heart on the message I put a while ago about the Reset cheats not working for this cheat trainer! ^^

I have found a work around! ^^ Please see the message right above this one! ^^

So, you can get all of those achievements in the game and all that - which I think what most people would probably need that for anyway! ^^ And hence why I am tagging you here! ^^

I hope this helps ^^, and I hope you have a good day / night! ^^

Please and thank you for reading! ^^