Kingdoms and Castles Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Thanks B

Any progress?

The Kingdoms and Castles cheats have been updated!


  • Freeze Happiness cheat added
  • Unlimited Gold cheat added

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

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Thanks for the UPDATE STN!!! <3

So a quick notice for other players (or rather those who haven’t noticed from previous trainer updates):

  • Enabling “All resources” will (like before) also make your buildings worth that amount too, so when you “demolish” a building you will get a massive stack of resources that exceed the camera height limit (not aesthetically pleasing).

A way around this is to enable the “All resources” then disable it. WHY? Because the materials you collect after will be locked in the table. It may look like you are using up the materials and such when building, but you’re not, the numbers stay the same and only show you the amount subtracted (leftover).

  • Gold is slightly the same although you don’t have to worry about a God reaching stack of gold when you “demolish” the “Treasury”. just enable it and leave it at that :smile:

Wich version are you using?

Some Bugs Found in this Trainer [Steam] :

  1. Infinite Gold Cheat turns the amount into negative making the gold unuseable
  2. Freeze Happiness Doesn’t work.
  3. Instant Construction Doesn’t work

The Kingdoms and Castles cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

I get an error when opening the game

Kingdoms got an update Oct 28th, version 113, @STN . Heh feels like a Halloween update

Well if it needs an update better get votin’ for one. Gotta vote for updates if it needs it through the app


Unlimited gold cheat breaks the gold count. It shows like you have debt u need to pay. Bc it goes like -274536/1000 :man_facepalming:t3:

The Kingdoms and Castles cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

The Infinite Resources cheat works, but also means that the buildings cost 99999 of every resource to build, so the peasants just sort of stand there gormlessly. Also fills your screen with infinite stacks of resources if you delete any building.

Hi. I am a French player who downloaded WeMod in the hope of being able to play some games with my “own rules”. So I tried this one and I realized that the option “Unlimited Gold” turns off itself after 10 seconds or so and in the game the counter is -12000 or something . It was to know if it was normal or not :slight_smile:

Excuse me for misspelling and conjugation this text is written on Google Translate.

The Kingdoms and Castles cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Please post in this topic if you run into any issues!

Try now.

Have changed the trainer to now use unity symbols so you don’t need to do anything before activating a cheat. Hopefully it works now perfectly.

Everything seems to be in working order Infinite resources still provides an issue with building however when I first initially built a house and instantly went to demolish it I gained 9999 resources of wood and stone
Side note be careful about building an orchard as the apples seem to grow infinitely bigger before they disappear after being harvested

My game crash when I activate an option. I think it comes from the version of my game. Which one do you use?


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