Looking for people to join BuRN Clan

This is only for Xbox 360 contact me at Golden ZERO On Skype and BuRN Galaxy on discord

My Xbox 360 GT is FrostyBlackOps

Owner of Clan’s GT is BudgetayFire

I will put you threw a series of game mode if u get the Highest You get the Pro rank If u get the Lowest you get the elite rank Remember you can always take the test again This will be done on Black Ops 2

First Challenge YOU Chose TeamDeathmatch Or window wars YOU DATA WILL BE NOTED

Second Challenge 1v1 Snipers only YOUR DATA WILL BE NOTED

Last Challenge 1v3 On veteran YOUR DATA WILL BE NOTED

After that your data will be send and checked and send to the Dev He may want to meet u on Xbox but There u go My gmail BuRNClanFOURMS@gmail.com Cya

Please try to fill out this forum https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdUysUyBU5bO4eyaP1N7Cx0FZp83d-iJxcb5JLhjRCn7eYJKw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Will my first-born be enough or do you need my soul too?

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Yes it will be enough :laughing:
