Lords Of The Fallen (2014) Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Come on @STiNGERR many people want to use trainer fix the bug when i flip the game with a hard-on Pls!!

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bump. FIX.

@STiNGERR any news on how its going? :slight_smile:

No point in bumping it every 5 seconds. Stingerr was tagged and as soon as he has time will go for it…
Just be patient guys.
The trainer was released 10 days ago. Stingerr has been pushing out requests lately so as soon as he has done them he will go for updates. It’s pretty uncommon for a trainer not to work after release might be some compatibility issue. Anyways bumping threads will not make the trainer get an update faster!

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i think it might have being made with no title update or first release and he is prob waiting to add at later stage might work then but will be a great trainer when fully working these trainers take a lot of time to make so we should be happy for getting it for free

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So, basically just go fart around with the initial release of the game with no other content? Yay…

I doubt he took the first release.
It’s more likely that the GOG and steam releases are different and that’s causing errors for some players

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not complaining and glad its free but @N1ceToMeetYou glad you have told us whats happening with stingerr :slight_smile: thanks

is it working for anyone so we might know what version its on

Hey Stinger Lords Of The Fallen Trainer Is Not Working Bro,Goes To Black Screen,And Game Shuts Down,an i have tried everything to disabling anti virus and uninstalling wemod infinity,also deleting wemod cash useing your bat file you posted.can you please fix ,this is first time wemod infinity has not worked for a game for me.

Thank You Stingerr For All Your Hard Work. :grinning:

I’ve had all of the same problems above. I even went into settings.ini to put in cheats_enabled = true, that changed nothing except for some cosmetic fun stuff and a free cam. But I can not open the cheat software with the game. It gets past the first splash logos and then cuts out. I have even opened the game separately and THEN opened it with the cheats software and it crashes. The only reason I bought this game was because it was on sale and it has cheats (I already have it on Xbox One but wanted to mess around with it on PC to get back at it for being so unforgiving on Xbox) and I’m just really disappointed that I can’t use cheats. Please please please, fix this soon <3


Just take it off Infinity altogether, its never going to be fixed.

@STiNGERR could you please give the people a reply about the matter?


there is a lot of interest for this game must be a good sign

Game crashes when trainer is launched, tried several times. I have steam GOTY version of the game.

@STiNGERR Please reply to us, or fix this issue please. We’re all waiting very patiently because we love the fact that you’ve done cheats for Lords of the Fallen, and we’re just anxious to try them out. Please don’t take them off infinity as the entire reason I bought LotF on PC was so I could use these cheats!

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I need to show this game whos boss

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@handsfromhell ya the game is !! Lol

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I literally log into this chat every day to see for updates now XD

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