Make it possible to disable certain mods

Hi, some games have a lot of mods, so a lot of buttons. Because I’m a leftie, I use KP 0 for jumping. Problem is that when jumping and getting excited, I sometimes also press many other buttons, like KP 1, 2, 3 etc. I know I can go through all the shortcuts one by one and change the keys, but I wish there would be an extra button next to each mod to disable that mod. What I like is for example mods that change jump height, hit damage etc. What I don’t like are mods that are too ‘cheaty’, like infinite xp or inf gold or inf attribute points etc. So I would disable those when starting a new game and playing with wemod. Of course it should be possible to reanable them with the same button in the wemod app. Not sure if others would like this too, but for me it would be a great addition.

Now I think of it, some trainers other than wemod I used in the past, I think a few by antifun, had this option to disable all buttons, so one could enable the mods one likes and then disable all buttons and play the game, without the fear of activating an unwanted cheat.

in the wemod window, when you select the hotkeys which you want to disable, you can click on them and then the button Delete. it will be left empty.

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Oh, wow, thanks. This gives the exact thing I wanted, even though through another route. I feel a bit stupid I didn’t think of this myself. Thanks Fibby76!