Gotcha. May I know if you’ve followed the instructions below?
I just tested the Mods as I assumed we were waiting on an update, none of the above advice works.
Only one cheat works and that is for the game speed increase.
Thanks for letting me know. try to Verify integrity Files
by right-clicking on the game and click Properties
. Click on the Local Files tab
. Click on Verify Integrity of Game Files
. Then force quit/close the WeMod App then re-launch the apps. Make sure to use the most recent trainer version, which you can check by going to the Mods version
under Mod settings
Verified the files and I am using the most recent version of the wemod last updated on 5/27/24.
The game developer has updated the game several times since wemod was updated, indeed it was updated again just a few hours ago to version 0.8.003
Just to confirm, Have you followed the below instructions as well? Please note that the mods will not be updated for beta branches of games. they are only intended for the main / official branch.
If you’re on the beta branch of the game, then WeMod will not be updated as the beta branches get updated very frequently. WeMod is for the stable non-beta branch of the game and works perfectly fine w/o any issues.
The Manor Lords cheats have been updated!
- Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
I might be doing something wrong, but the mods don’t seem to work as expected. Military equipment and crops don’t work at all, and for the rest, the same amount is always given, no matter what is set.
I wish there was way to possible just add these items - [img]
to the storage, not just a temp storage.
is there any reason the game won’t let the mod trainer work that way?
cheats only work in starting providence
you should add the ability to have unlimited or at lease increased amount of armies
How do we reduce the materials and items? The button doesnt seem to be working
There are some mod for increase ammount of armies, you can download and install with nexusmod.
Please confirm whether or not these mods are currently working? If not, is an update planned for the near future? Appreciate all the hard work and help!!!
Units Infinite Stamina and Infinite Health not working for some reasons
Mods do not appear to be working. Using game version 0.8.017.
Mods work for the most part and for that I am appreciative. I just started having issues with food and building materials not appearing in my new settlement. On a previous save, I did not have this issue. They would appear only in the settlement I was currently “in”. Now they are appearing in the starting settlement only. I have no issues with the other materials but food and building materials do not work.
Hey hey,
Game added a large update featuring new maps. Some mods dont work atm figured it’s because of the new update. Thanks!
doesnt seem like the unit health and stamina wants to activate in the weMod overlay on the newest update. any idea if its just me or when we can expect a fix?
game version: 0.8.024
Hey! We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.