Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Will it come to Epic Games?

Hello everyone.
I wanted to report that some mods do not work (Steam version)
In my case “defense multiplier” and “damage multiplier”.
You can set the value of the mod before starting the game but, once started, those values ​​are reset.
I noticed it through the wemod app on the phone.
Where you can no longer even change them again.
But you can also notice it once you exit the game, if you go and check, the set values ​​have returned to zero.

unfortunately, non of the mods works for me.

Hi! May I know where did you buy your game from?

i bought it on steam

When you mentioned it’s not working, did you mean that you can enable the mods, but they have no effect in the game?

yup! i enabled all the mods but non is working on my end

Got it. Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.

i tried both methods initially. waited for the game till i am exploring freely and then click play and also do it through main menu. both does not work. :')

It’s currently in the testing queue. After it’s been tested, it’ll be considered for the creator queue if it requires an update. For now, you may want to use the Notify Me button once you clicked Learn Moreif you would like to be informed when updates are made.

got it! thank you!

Hey just wanted to say after this morning patch none of the mods are working and also Alt+W is not working either.

Can’t edit any Tech, rare tech, city and hero parts and tokens. Other than that, everything works.

yeah id love to see the symbiote sure be unlimited isnt anything on nexus for it yet shame really


same I really want that to be added

I reiterate my previous report…
Even after the last update, “defense multiplier” and “damage multiplier” do not work.
For details see my previous message.
Nothing has changed.
If you can do something…

this was a thing with ff7 rebirth. you cant for some reason set it like with a number you gotta use the shortcuts. its stupid. just hold in the buttons and it goes up it will make an anoying sound while your doing it but yea its kinda anoying. hope this helps

No, unfortunately it doesn’t work.
Not like this, not with the app, not with anything.
The values ​​keep going back to zero.

Same problem here.

Hi there! We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.