Medieval Dynasty Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I wanted to request instant crop growth and an add/subtract hour button for this trainer, I’m having a lot of fun with it, I just wanted to know if those two things are possible.

is it possible to update the mods. been awhile and some still dont work.

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Really enjoying this mod, so thank you :slight_smile:

Sadly, it doesn’t work after the update.

Hello guy’s
is it possible to update the mod (for Steam), please?
Add +1K an +10 doesn’t work

BIG Thanks

Please make more cheats for this trainer, like instant crop growth, add and subtract hour, and possibly a relationship editor.

Update needed please.

The Medieval Dynasty cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Inventory increase cheat not working for anyone else? All the other cheats seam to be working fine.

None of the cheats work, shame I was so excited to play :frowning:

can we add skill points editor, relationship editor and item editor?

I don’t have that feature on mine and I’m a pro member

Would it be possible to have an option for resetting how much money a vendor has? Or making it infinite?

Any chance of a walking speed cheat?

Hey, ich habe heute Medival Dynesty zu Spielen habe die Cheats getestet und leider festgestellt,dass der Cheat F7 und F8 auf meinem PC nicht reagieren!? Könnte sich das mal jemand anschauen was da los ist???

Good day! Cheats aren’t working. Requesting Update please

Cheats not working, please update

Mods works fine, are you using the latest update of the game or a cracked version?

I’m playing the test version, maybe it only works for the public version?

Yes, if you are using a beta build it likely won’t work with that.

Hey, also die Cheats F7 F8 funktionieren definitief nicht auf meinem PC, ich besitze eine Legal gekaufte Version habe das aber schon länger bemerkt, wollte aber erst mal eine gewisse Zeit normal Spielen, aber nun wird es Zeit das zu melden!! Bitte schaut euch das Spiel nochmals an und korrigiert die Cheats! Danke!!

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