So, the F7 only adds 100 to the coins when it’s pressed. However, I noticed as I was pushing F7 a ton, it was also adding 1000 pairs of trousers every 10th time I hit the button. Guess I can sell a bunch each season for more coins…lol.
Health, stamina, food, water, durability & max weight not working. Add items is still working.
The add items seems to not work for some items. I am trying it on wool fabric. a few others as well. Hope you can look into this
None of the cheats working for me, needs update
I use health, stamina and durability. They work just fine. Only thing I am having issues with is add items. Not sure about food, water, dirtiness or speed. I don’t use those ones.
Hi! I assume you purchased your game from steam. Have you followed the mod instructions
for the Add items mod?
Yes. I check every mod before using it. It’s not working and for more items than before. Not sure if it works at all now.
Thanks for letting me know. Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY
on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.
Tried both. Same issue. It works on some things, but not salt, wool, and a bunch of others
I see. Have you also tried following the mod instructions? After doing so, try exiting the game back to the main menu, then load your saved game and see if the issue is resolved.
Let me know if that works!
Starting to think you are a bot. Already said I did. Everything worked fine up until a little while ago. Nothing I have done has changed. Please update the mod.
Apologies for the confusion. We are currently exploring other methods to ensure the mod works correctly. We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.
Thanks! GReatly appreciate the help. You guys are awesome!
Hi there! We’ve received an update from our testing team, and they were unable to replicate the issue. We recommend reinstalling the WeMod app to see if this resolves the problem on your end.
Bummer. I will try that. I’ll start a fresh game to. Completely wiped the game and files as well as wemod. Trying to narrow it down. I will let you know if anything helps.
Seems like it may have been a corrupted file. The new game is working just fine. Sorry for the inconvenience. And thanks again for all your help. You guys rock. Looking at a future pro user!
I am not sure if this is the right place to put suggestions, but it’s the only place I found to comment on anything…
The best cheat I can imagine for Medieval Dynasty is one that removes the limit for how many houses you can build.
Seriously… This keep annoying me again and again.
A second cheat that would be great is one that lets you choose the balance of male and female Travelers (those you can recruit to your village.)
Because I am playing the Vally right now, and the ratio of men to women is approximately 4 or max 5 men, and a buttload of women.
Which is great before I find a wife, but irritating afterward when I need to pair up people to work in my village.
It would also be nice with a 10k+ to money cheat, because if you want to buy everything in technology, and you craft fast enough, you end up trying the 1k cheat for things, and sit and hammer the keyboard for five minutes to get enough money.
Oh, and the game itself lets you turn stamina off, and some other things, so you may want to check which of your cheats that are redundant if you want to free up some space.
But, as I said at first; The best cheat of all is to remove the damned housing limit.
Even at 2000% (or whatever) I hit the limit too fast.
And I can’t build several different cities in seperate locations, which is sad.
(Yes, it would be a challenge, and maybe some laptops may struggle with the space, but I’d like to be able to build as much as I want too.)
Beyond that I LOVE the cheats for this game!
You people are seriously dream creators.
When using the Inventory trainer, it puts the items into my pocket, but when I try to transfer them into a storage it transfers 1 of the item and then says “In the meantime some items have been taken” without putting all the items in the storage.
Are the mods working now?? cuz last i checked none of them worked
Hey, I had the same problem, try to reinstall the WeMod, that helped me. possibly start as administrator.