MEGATON MUSASHI W: WIRED Cheats and Trainer for Steam

I am willing to do that, how can i Provide you with it?

I started a new game+ and still have the same issue :confused: I still have 77 of both items and can’t upgrade my robot…

hi it must be resit if u get the same item again and with out using the cheat

Hi, Have you tried it yourself? if so, can you please provide me with a screenshot of how the items look like now?

Would appreciate your response please, the mod ruined the game for us, we are having a very experience now due to this issue.

They can be in the Steam Userdata, Documents, MyGames, Appdata, or in the game folder. Once you have the save file, kindly upload it by clicking the icon:


My apologies I’ve been very sick since yesterday, I see a team member has responded above please take a look at that and just give us a tag when you post it.

Wishing you a quick recovery

I tried uploading it, but the type of the file is not supported.

Here is a link that will help with the save file download:

@Sephyyy @MLGENIE

現在可能是因為-3%*77個 導致強化費用異常

Thank you! I’ll pass this along to our team, conduct the necessary tests, and provide you with an update.

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Will be waiting for a fix impatiently! let me know if there is any other way I can help with. good luck!

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@Sephyyy Worth an attempt I think

The author can set the unlimited items to 25 and it should be fine.
Now it may be due to -3%*77, causing the enhancement cost to be abnormal.
Upgrade supporter α=-3% cost
Over-limit supporters α=-3% cost
Just set it to 25 (a little error tolerance)

Got it! Will forward this to our team. Thanks for the information!

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Quick question, any estimate on when will this bug be fixed?

Also These Boxes With The Custom Colosseum Parts Make It Soo they also dont get Dupes since ya cant Delete dismantle the parts from em

@Sephyyy @MLGENIE FYR as well

Hello, any update?

Hi there, Could you please check the save data you sent? Our tester is unable to see the “Multiply Resources Get” effect when loading a save in the game.

Hi, yes sure, but I am not an expert, some steps on how to check on that would help.

Also, I am up for a call if needed, I can share my screen, anything to expedite the process to be honest.