look at my previous post, i have not had any issues with these mods since then
It started working after I turned off the texture packs but it’s started to crash again just like before
Please do damage multiplier
so i started from steam
not too sure how the mega xp works ,
but seems to be broken ? it keeps adding by it self and even then i dont get exp during game play
but it adds its self from 1000 to 99000 and then makes the sound that im hitting it wh8ich annoying so i had to mute it
Is there any chance you can add a equip multiple skills option so you have 2 or more sub skills from the same primary skill equipped at the same time?
there’s a mod/mods for that, just look up reaper anon for shadow of war. the cheat mod there also performs better than this trainer does currently.
Getting issues with focus and elf shot cheats. Elf shot is causing the bow to not aim and the focus cheat is causing ctd.
I’ve played with mega exp for 2h or so and leveled up from 34 to 80 but after restarting the game I was at lvl 38 or so.
I guess the lvl is server side
Hey there guys, I am having issues with the “Inventory” and “Stats” cheats, cant unlock skills, nor add skill points nor add silver coins. And yes I made sure I am using the correct version of the game with correct version of the engine, both Definitive edition.
Hi! Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY
on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.