Mods to game

Hi I was just wondering if there is a possible chance of getting some mods to Genshin impact. I know people may think its a online based game but its 99% single player. To say that the game is not getting mods because its and “online game” is a bit ridiculous because there is mods for GTA, Halo infinite and red dead 2, which are much more online based than Genshin is. I believe there should ether be another reason to why this game isn’t getting any mods or just add mods to the game please.

With best regards Kingrrgg :slight_smile:

Don’t know why you say that those other games you mentioned are more online based when they clearly separate their singleplayer(offline) and multiplayer(online) components,unlike Genshin.
The main reason there isn’t a trainer for Genshin is a technical one:trainers work by modifying values in the game’s memory address client side(on your PC).Genshin is a server sided game so even if a trainer was made it would not work.

oh sorry I didnt know that. Thanks for telling me.

The other games you mentioned have single player modes. Which is where trainers work. Not online.

Genshin Impact does not, it is entirely online. Hence trainers are impossible.
Also their ToU state you’ll be banned permanently for attempting to use any forms of cheats, including trainers and even in-game glitches.

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