Monster Hunter: World Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Thank you for all your hard work keep it up :slight_smile:

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You guys are doing a great job. Thanks.


some cheats dont works
the Max Monster Research Level dont work

legiana and groß girros and rathalos are not on rank 6 for example

Can’t start the game. I’m launching it over Infinity, gamelogos appearce. Blackscreen and then back to desktop.

Can I ask how you managed to use the trainer?

There was an update to mhw, We have to wait for them to make a new trainer for it

Install infinity, search your game and click play

Oh I see. My fault. Thanks.

Didn’t they change infinity to wemod now?

Infinity was changed to WeMod to ease the confusion and a few other reasons. You can read the launch post here

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It’s still infinity on my PC but yes it’s WeMod now

Yeah it keeps on saying that the trainer version and the game is not the same so can’t run it @_@

Great additions to the mod. But unfortunately i’m one of the many that cannot use it due to the error. MHW is the recent version, checked when in windowed mode. Any eta on an update to the trainer?

What does “get all rewards” do?

Same here unable to run the game

so we all have to wait right? i thought he already updated the current version

Yes, I also thought it was redone

No he didn’t update to the newest version yet.
We all have to wait.

Aww still down. Cant wait for it to be up. Thanks for all the hard work. :slight_smile: