Mount & Blade: Warband Cheats and Trainer for Steam

@STiNGERR you think you could add a slider or something to the money cheat?

you tend to spend a lot of it during late game, so you usually have to spam the button to get the amount you need, so being able to change the amount you add to be more (or less) would be a welcome change.

As well as perhaps an add “Honor” and “Right to rule” cheat.

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I know it’s been mentioned here already, But the “Add Party Members” cheat adds the top prisoner in the prisoner list, Instead of adding actual soldiers.

@IncorrectEstate Actually I figured out how to get it to work.

basically you need to go in to the party screen, move the soldier type that you want added to the slot right below the top soldier (Hero’s/companions don’t count) and then activate the cheat, then move the soldier from the second slot to the first slot, and you should see the cheat take effect.

also the cheat adds about 10 soldiers per button press. so if you use the cheat ten times then move the soldier that you want added you will have 100 more of that soldier.

also you can go over your party limit with this so it’s vary useful for managing garrisons.

(Note I was playing the Prophecy of Pendor mod when I figured this out.)


Is it possible that the +100 renown cheat is broken? Can’t seem to get it to work, whatever I do :confused:

With the activation of “unlimited unit health”, some opponents can be immortal.

@Titan0_00 the fix for that is to pause the game, deactivate the cheat, kill the enemy then rein-able the cheat.

Also i’v found that the cheat dose not apply to reinforcements in siege battles, (both yours and the enemy’s) so you only have to do this once for those.

and this should only ever apply to one enemy solder at a time.

however this can happen multiple times while raiding an outlaw hideout, so I suggest leaving it on until all the other enemy units are dead.

also if you are fighting your way out of being caught sneaking into a town or castle this will also happen.

and sometimes it can happen if you are stopping a lord form raiding a village.

Anyone got any idea about the broken +100 rewown cheat I posted a week ago?

So…I’m guessing these cheats don’t work for mods?

@BoomQ Actually they do.

@Boylaska It seems to work fine for me, did you try using the keyboard hot key to do it?
That’s how I got it to work.

Try going to the world map, then activate the cheat with ‘Numpad 0’ then go to the reports screen, it should work then.

Yep, did everything you just noted. Got the latest game and Infinity versions too.

@Boylaska Hmmm, well I’m sad to say i’m out of ideas.

Apologies I couldn’t be of more help.

since the update of the app this cheat for the skill points and attribute points do not work.

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Since infinity mods app has updated cheats for renown, skill points, attribute points, weapon points, and money dont work anymore

How do I use the mod?

Press the play button top right corner when you chose the game

Can you get a right to rule cheat. Not as fun as just murdering everything but with the party member cheat make a kingdom with a shiton of vassles and see how it goes.

I doubt he will be adding anything any time soon.
You can get right to rule pretty easily with Cheat engine.
If you’re not good with that then it depends whether you play with mods or not.
To gain it is not as hard as it seems

The trainer is out of date :confused:

The game updated recently but changed nothing really ingame.
If that really broke the trainer I will be surprised.
Just try the trainer anyways no matter what it says