MW3 emblems and titles?

Anyone know a site that shows you and tells you how to unlock titles and emblems?

Isn’t there a COD Wiki? I bet nobody has them all yet.

There hasn’t been anything released on how to unlock them or what they all look like but I would go to this link

Callsigns/Modern Warfare 2 Titles - The Call of Duty Wiki

and just read through the way you unlocked titles and emblems in Mw2 because in Mw3 most of the titles and emblems are probably unlocked the same way.

(Just a thought)

Yeah, this should help/work.

Under the description of the titles/emblems it says how it was unlocked.

Emblems aren’t up yet, but tittles are.

I am looking for 2 people in mw3 that are level 61 or higher to boost for unique emblems in mw3 the emblems I am boosting for the rhino, hyena, and bear emblems (multi claymore, c4, and rpg kills) they way it would work is we would all go into a free for all and place tactical insertions and receive double kills with these explosives. Please pm me or respond in this thread or add me on xbox live GT: L Whyte Rhyno L