MW3 GPD Editor

Basically with this you can edit the missions that you have unlocked, your time spent in Campaign, and your progress percentage. There may be a few bugs, so if you find any report them please. If there is anything else you want me to try and mod in the GPD, just respond. I was looking for the difficulty at which you beat each mission, but I couldn’t find that in the game, :confused: maybe I’m just dumb. Anyways, enjoy :smile:

Edit: Updated, everything should work now. I’m just an idiot and forgot to account for the motd string.

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You’re actually good developer, yet you hide in the dark.

Good job.

Good. Lol I can mod a GPD I found a few weeks back ^.^

Nice tool! You should make so you can mod your clan tag.

nice however u culd of just used a java enabled cmd that can crosslinux to reverse the .xex and create a gpd made of scripts.


Good job.

OT: Can you make me a program with a clickable box in it that says “Click Here RZRClanLeader” and when I click it a window pops up saying “Hi.” (With a button that says “Well, Hello there!” Which closes the pop up window.

Something to keep me entertained. xD

Honestly why doesn’t this guy have epic? Him and sho328023029302 honestly work their asses of on these tools that aren’t on horizon.

This is amazing by the way

I made 200 C# tutorials for thenewboston, you can find the first one here. You should be able to learn how to show a message box after like the 3rd tutorial.

Ugh… I can’t download anything from windows because my internet security settings block it. How do I shut them off?

are you bucky O.o

Open your anti virus, and there should be a button somewhere to deactivate it. Just google it if you can’t find it. I’m sure you’ll find a tutorial somewhere.

No. I made tutorials for his channel.

View post below. Accidently double posted.

0_o Creepy title. xD


hahaha I laughed so hard at that.

Lol… So many mods and the game is not even out.

Let’s not start another war, Mental.

Is that you in your avatar thingy?

I’m not. Any comments towards my posts will be ignored. I stated one sentence :thumbsup:

No :laughing: