idk if its me cuz my speakers are blown, but your SUPER quiet and when you shoot nobody can hear you
It’s not just you I can’t really hear it either
I can hear the video just fine. Thanks for the strategy! I’ll try it out after I unlock specialist
Nice video! I just got this Modern Warfare 3 Domination Guide the other day and it has shown me for to absolutely DESTROY my opponents. It even shows you how to get the MOAB easily, I have gotten it 4 times already LOL!
This Modern Warfare 3 XP table also shows you how far along in each prestige you are, it is very helpful for seeing what unlocks are coming up, and just in general how far along you are.
Thanks for the tutorials < 3
Also, at 1:08 how did you not see the sniper in the grass? lol
i was thinking the same thing.
Going to try this method out now, thanks.
Could use a text tut…
can some one explain this to me Please And THank you xoxoo
Yes Please And Thank you
Sounds good, I’ll have to try it out. Thanks for sharing.
very nice video i will test fior my self later
I’ll go create a text tutorial, anyway this works like a charm.
I got well over 15,000 XP that one game on Team Tactical, plus I just hit Level 73.
Thanks a lot SewerWaste, I got 4,000 points from a 5 Kill streak at one stage.
I did it.
7300 exp that round.
Nothing special.
Maybe it’s cuz I heard nothing, but I put Hardline, extreme, and dead silence.
I went like 19 and 3 last game, I didn’t get no special exp.
Probably… because I have hardline pro?
Text tutorial
1. Firstly go to Create a Class and choose a custom class.
2. Select any Primary weapon of your choice, make your secondary a Launcher and make it either a SMAW or a Stinger.
3. Select the following 3 perks on your custom class -
- Scavenger (or something else).
- Hardline.
- Marksman (or something else).
Made Hardline bold because it marks the key perk needed.
4. Make your Strike package ‘Specialist’ then make sure it has the following -
- 2 Kills - Extreme Conditioning.
- 4 Kills - Quick Draw.
- 6 Kills - Sitrep.
And because you have Hardline as a set perk on your custom class you should now receive each of your specialist streaks one kill earlier. So on your first kill you will gain 250-300+ XP depending on the game mode you’re playing, then when you hit 3 kills you shall continue to get that amount of XP, same with the fifth kill from your kill streak.
Hope this cleared everything up, not the best of tutorials but it was a quickie.
I’m currently in the middle of playing Demolition so if anything needs edited I’ll do it soon.
Dose This Work Really good ???=\
So it’s essentially just getting the challenge exp by getting the perk.
It’s the same if you do UAVs and Preds though… O_o
Yes, in Search and Destroy, Demolition and other game modes it works great!
Sometimes I get 1,200 or 1,400 XP whenever I get 1/3/5 Kills.
I’m loving it, I’ve already exceeded on reaching the half way line of Level 73.
Give it a go, just either watch the video or follow my text tutorial.
I don’t see how people can’t hear you, but nice video! I’m gonna use this strategy!