MW3 MPData Editor

The video URL is “ A GLibZOA”. Remove the spaces.

Open Me

I get this error.

^You have Modio open, that’s whats causing the problem.

64Bit? Run as Administrator? Corrupt Save?

Good job as usual guys :smile:

Lawl, I extracted it with horizon to, same thing.
I’m running 64bit and ran the program as admin.
Shouldn’t be a corrupt save at all, its untouched.

Could you upload your MP data file please?

Yeah Treyarch said Black Ops would not have any bugs glitches and then within the first couple of days there was GPD’s Rank glitching lol

Put them on your page on here.

READING: An error has a occured. Please report this to hetelek or Experiment5X with the following data, and any other necessary information.

Error: Item could not be found. Item ID: 18


this will help if it really help when mw3 was release then …

There has been a new version released. It has fixed the bug which alot of people were having(Item ID: 17 & 18).

Complete Change Log:
        - Fixed the 17 & 18 item ID bug
	- Merged assembly
	- Checks to now ensure you are openeing the correct file
        - Framework has been downgraded to 3.5
	- Added a hidden camo (Maybe founder?)
	- Minor bugs fixed
	- Initial release

Download the latest version from the main post.

Enjoy, and continue telling us when errors occur. :wink:

I have an error it is

error item id: 137
Offset: 0x1105

Please upload your mpdata, and tell me what you have as your camo on custom class 3. Thanks!

Wow this was real quick! Love it!

A new update has been released, adding support to strike packages and redicle sights.

Complete Change Log:
        - Added support for strike packages
        - Added support for redicle sight
        - Minor UI changes
        - Minor bugs fixed
        - Fixed the 17 & 18 item ID bug
	- Merged assembly
	- Checks to now ensure you are openeing the correct file
        - Framework has been downgraded to 3.5
	- Added a hidden camo (Maybe founder?)
	- Minor bugs fixed
	- Initial release

The download is available on the main post.

Please report any bugs, and please post the full message along with the save. Caboose had a perfect bug report. Would make everything so much easier and faster if everyone submitted them like that.

Enjoy :wink:

What about MPDATA editing for PS3? ;(
Can you make something for PS3?

No, because PS3 sucks.

And here we go again! S2E1

tbh looks like the Mw2 MPDATA editor.=\

Found one of those errors.
Error cannot open closed file.

t dont work this prog