MW3 SaveGame + Multiplayer Save

[b]well im posting these to see what people can do with them, just take a peep at them

MP Data:
Rank 10
XP: 19750 / 23100

Save Game Here:

Mission: 1
Half way through[/b]

I dont think they are aloud to do another cod tool after cheaters cod tool dilemma with activision sorry.

Edit: sorry didn’t see that it was ment for other people to check out .

I posted these earlier. I’ve just Completed it its amazing. :smile:

No, but other people can.

Including the other Horizon developers besides Cheater

I can do this with a USB right. And how did you get this? Did you get the game early?

any more specifics on the mpdata?
by any chance 768450 would be significant?


Yeah, I saw that sticking out in the mp save also. But so far all I can really see is customizing custom class names.

wait ill tell you my XP

Try the regular MPDATA editor, see if anything happens. What happened with cheater and activision? That tool was great.

hmm anychance someone knows how to fix checksums