This is the official discussion topic of the My Time at Sandrock Trainer and Cheats in the WeMod app. Please post any suggestions, bug reports, or praise that you may have for the cheats in here!
1. Infinite Health
2. Infinite Stamina
3. Infinite Endurance
4. Infinite Toughness
5. 100% Drop Rate
6. Set Movement Speed
7. Set Jump Height
8. Edit Money
9. Money Multiplier
10. Infinite Items
11. Infinite Water Storage (Water Tank)
12. Infinite Fuel (Machines)
13. Fast Production & Cooking
14. Minimum Crafting Requirements
15. Minimum Cooking Requirements
16. Infinite Exp
17. Exp Multiplier
18. Infinite Knowledge Exp
19. Knowledge Exp Multiplier
20. Edit Knowledge Points
21. Max Workshop Reputation
22. Workshop Reputation Multiplier
23. Edit Max Health
24. Edit Max Stamina
25. Edit Max Endurance
26. Edit Break
27. Edit Max Toughness
28. Edit Attack
29. Edit Defense
30. Edit Critical Chance
31. Edit Critical Damage
32. Edit Luck
33. Max NPC Relationship
34. Unlock All Blueprints
35. Unlock All Cooking Recipes
36. Unlock All NPC Preferences
37. Freeze Daytime
38. Set Time Pass Speed
39. Set Game Speed
Supported Game Versions:
We strive to keep our trainers up to date with the latest game versions. WeMod automatically detects which version you have installed and activates the mods accordingly. So there’s no need to worry about which version of the game you have!
I’m going to share my steps for the infinite items mod here as I did on the Steam discussion. Spent close to 14hrs with the Xbox version of WeMod for the game and so far 0 issues with the mods I’ve tested
So Infinite Items does work. Here is what worked for me.
ensure the item is not on hotbar
enable mod, add items to hotbar
disable mod, close out of inventory screen
reopen inventory screen and remove the items from hotbar.
save game, exit back to main menu and select ‘continue’ from main menu
Any of the items you modded to full stacks will remain. Been doing this method for the past day and a half w/o issue to get stacks of items and just toss into storage.
So, i am using the xbox version and i can see the mods work, but the game freezes after it loads. i’ve tried letting it load first, and then turn on mods. it freezes. i have tried restarting computer, load first, turn on mods, it still freezes. Any suggestions? i have used wemods for other games without an issue. not sure what i am doing wrong with this one. btw, i did add the game, also. So, everything has worked up, up until it comes to actually play the game. Thanks alot, also, love wemods, u guys are awesome. and i play most of my games solo, i prefer it that way, so thank you, i’m very appreciative and grateful for you guys.
Are you on a fresh save or on an already existing save, possibly one from Xbox Console? I found loading my Xbox Series X save (using cloud save to pc) had the same issues, started fresh and no issues.
Yeah, I was on a Xbox Series X continue save… I’mma try that, just start a new one… glad I wasn’t that far in tha game, bcuz I was waiting on cheats for it. Thank you
I try to load into Singleplayer Save on my computer. It will not work. My screen goes White even without the mods active. I think it keeps crashing… Is there something i can do for this or Does anyone know if the game was updated?