NBA 2K14 Myplayer Skill Points hex edit?

Has anybody successfully found the offset for the Skill Points for their MyPlayer, Ive been trying but getting no luck:help::help::help:

i have been looking for it as well

if you find one, could you please post?

heres a modded save will the help http://www.mediafire…qx8a6uzqe533j9f

yeah if i find anything ill update the post here

do you know how much skill points this save has? i dont feel like moving it to my xbox at the moment lol

it has 2.147.483.467 SP

That save does not work.

Yes, it works!! I tried it by myself.

  1. Extract your game save file to your desktop (“something”.CMG)
  2. Open your .CMG file in Hex Workshop
  3. Locate offset: 00273138 thats when u have a new Player just after the Showcase
  4. Then enter the following, replacing the old hex: 01 99 01 99 01 99 01 99 01 99 01 99_5. Save your .CMG in Hex Workshop
  5. Then exit out of Hex Workshop, then open your .CMG in a Rehash & Resigner (Horizon etc.)
  6. Rehash and Resign
  7. Place the .CMG back into your Hard drive, or flash drive._9. Then raise all your stats to achieve an overall of 99

I tried this, but doesn’t work. It might be 'cause i try it few games after de showcase. Am I right??

i doesn’t work either, my player is just after the showcase and it oesn’t work for me, it gets corrupted save and can’t load.

Thanks! Maybe @ENER can show us some screenshots. Can you?

yeah i hope he can do show us something

I’m working on an editor.

Can anyone provide me with their save file along with the number of SP they have?

yes, here it is the save file it has 224 sp, only played the showcase:


Here’s my save PG
and i have 1,037 SP

This save http://www.mediafire…qx8a6uzqe533j9f has 2.147.483.467 SP.

Hope it helps…

It doesn’t work, tried the offset thing and it can’t find it. Tried the save last night and it was corrupted.

I tried it, It’s not corrupted. is your xbox hacked?? like jtag, rgh??