Need for Speed Unbound Cheats and Trainer for Steam

To Every one still having issues with using the Money/Gains.
1: Launch the game, make sure that wemod is OPEN not started.
2: Once on the “Press Enter” screen tab out and right click your internet connection.
3: Open Network and Internet Settings.
4: Click on Change Adapter Options.
5: Right Click whatever option you are using to connect to the interwebs and hit Disable.
6: Hit “Play” and set your money/gains to desired number in WeMod.
7: Click back on your game if windowed or Tab-In if in borderless.
8: Hit Enter and select Story Mode.
9: Buy a license plate or something cheap.
10: Profit

I know this is long winded, but it’s step by step what I did to get it working and it works flawlessly now.

EDIT: This is for Windows 10 btw. I do not have windows 11, but if you just search “Change Adapter Options” on windows 11 I THINK you should be able to get there from that. Not sure.

It works solo but not multiplayer, right?

It works solo but not multiplayer, right?

I’ve tried this exactly as you say, and it didn’t work.

money no work i tryed all the stuff it says but nothing works for the money PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS FIX IT

Hey there, first, please disable auto sign-in and set your game to offline mode. You can see this on SETTINGS > PRIVACY > AUTO SIGN IN Toggle it (OFF)

Then, use the mod-set cash outside the garage. After setting the cash, return to the garage and purchase any item, such as a character item. Once completed, the mod should be triggered, and your cash should be replenished.

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will be there update soon for police tech?


After the update the No police Reinf/Spotting cheats are not working, mostly only inf. nitro works. (SINGLEGAME)

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Same here, waiting for an update as this game is unplayable with the police mods.

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yup just inf nitro and nitro boost multiplier

Is there a way we can let the modders know like a “request update” button? New to WeMod

can you make frozon enemy

Denuvo disappeared in this game, has any brave soul tried online nitro?

No police Reinf/Spotting cheats are not working
Only health and nitro work

The Need for Speed Unbound cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements

Hey bro, I’m testing the mod here in this new att of the game. And only infinite nitro and nitro multiplier are working. Now the infinite life and no collision damage are not working (they are the only things I tested, otherwise I don’t care so much). What can it be? Compatibility with the wrong version? Or have you not updated it yet? Hugs

how you can use infinit Health? Dont work for me :c

origin version??

update for new volume?

Please update
If possible, leave a separate copy to use when we use the unite mode