Need help with installing horizon

So when I try to download “horizon”, I get this:

I tried to download it a few times and I get this:

All of the downloaded exes names looks different…
So when I pressed one of them and pressed “next” exe suddenly freezes for a few seconds on user agreement. After waiting for a few seconds I can press “accept”.
But now I’m in some kind of trouble, because last time when I cluelessly pressed accept I got virus in my pc named “premium opinion”, but then Installation worked and I was able to use it, but this time I press on “click this” and unchecked this peace of thrashes.

Firstly I just denied to see what will happen. It started downloading it but stopped at 98% saying it that I have insufficient privileges. But I already turned down all anti-virus programs I had, turned off uac, downloaded latest net frame thing, and unblocked program on properties.
Same thing happened when I click on “agree”.
So what can I say, unless I don’t uncheck and agree install anti virus program and “yahoo” thing this program won’t install on my pc.
Any solutions?

This one work its bypasses that stuff.
If not u still have something blocking it … antivirus

Thanks. everything is working now :wink:

Ok cool glad you got it working !