Norland Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Well im not using it anymore, found it interesting because of the needs.

But when i use either options for like loyaly it brings it down instead of up.

Needs an update again, game just got a big patch.

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Thanks for the heads up. The trainer will go through testing first. If the testers found something broken, then it will be added to the creator queue for updates.

Hello, I know some people already mentioned a fast knowledge cheat but I wanna just reup that because that would be very useful. Something else that would be a nice addition would be changing the character’s skills. The same way you select a character and update their mood, I’d imagine you can do the same with their skills (though I’m not sure). Would be a great add on, otherwise great mod.

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When this mode is operated, the numerical value is fixed

Yes, add stats has good

If we could have fast knowledge and character skill mods that would be amazing

The “get current selected character” , stat and age didn’t work for me.

What i would like to see is a setting for talents, or possibly just to set the highest skill as talent.

update please, most of the cheats don’t work anymore.

In the item selection - CROSSBOWS are missing

age cheats dont work. trainer is need update

I am not asking for a change, but can anyone tell me if there is a way to get this working on the beta branch? All the resource mods are working but none of the character load or changes are working. All of them are working in the stable branch though. I am guessing there is a different exe that I need to register in WeMod. Thanks
So I started it up today in beta and it is working :grinning:

when an update is put or if it is put , because the game was updated and a lot of new stuff was added

We have reported the issue to the team, and they’ll have someone test it. We’ll get back to you as soon as we get updates.

Our testing team has provided an update and confirmed that the mods are functioning as intended. To resolve the issue on your end, we suggest reinstalling the WeMod app and checking if the problem persists after doing so.