Official Mw3 Camo Pictures/Confirmed Prestige Emblems

The prestige emblems aren’t that bad but I wish there was still red and blue tiger.

Original Call of Duty 4 red and blue right? Not that ****ty Modern Warfare 2. Red was alright, blue was horrible.

I think the ranks look terrible. I’ll still go for 10th though.

Wonder what founder will look like. Still wish there were more camos however. Kinda wish they put in Vegas 2’s custom camo into the game.

What Prestige Are You ?

You was missing founder.

Gonna stay at 8th no doubt about that. Just curious if those are really all the camos we get, I hope their is more of them.

2nd prestige is actually first

I like the look of Hex :smile:

Pretty sure it’s not that hard to throw in more in-depth customization.

Rainbow Six Vegas had a pretty decent amount of customization you could do which I loved! You could make your own camo and throw it on your armor and clothing which you got to pick. Ahhhhhh. It’s all fading awaaayyyy.

Hex and Red camouflages look awesome, my favourite prestige emblem would be the first one. It just looks completely different from the others, they’re all pretty sexy though. Nice find and thanks for the share man.

I’m lovin the 8th prestige, I’m definitely stopping there.

I don’t like the prestige icons at all i might not even prestige.

This Pic Is Wrong because i just watched someone prestige and they got the second emblem as their first prestige

the prestige emblems are dissapointing i prefer black ops to these

and i thought there would be twice as many camo’s

I like the 1st, 7Th, and 8Th prestige emblem.

someone post this too :smile:

you have these all wrong

these are all wrong

none of these are in the correct order

nice gravedig.

What the hell is wrong with people?

Why would you even bring this back up? Apparently you don’t have MW3 at all because yes these are all right… I know because I actually have it.