Ok so how do i install two disks on rgh?

Alright so I have both “disk images” in there separate folders titled “disk 1” and “disk 2” for call of duty advance warfare apparently disk one is the install disk and disk 2 is the goods so should I make disk 1 into a god format? and how would I go about converting disk 2 image into just files to run the exe?

itd be easier to just extract the install files from disc 1 and put them on your hdd via horizon. or just run disc 1 and install. once it finishes you can just dashboard and then use disc 2 to play as long as the installed content is still there

also for just files, use xbox backup creator to extract everything. you can also extract the content from disc one under the 0000000000000000 folder

so iso to god the first disk right? and take the content to the hdd then get the regular files on disk to and just run the exe?

just use xbox backup creator for both games, extract the first discs content in the 0000000000000000 folder. put that on your hdd via horizon. after that take disc 2, extract the files from it via xbox backup creator, put it in a folder titled whatever you want, then run the default.xex file in the game, or if youre using freestyle dash, the game should just pop up in the game library

NVM I went full ****** for a second but I figured it out lmao thanks :smile:

Open disc1 ISO extract content folder fro the ISO and place the title is folder is the public folder on your hdd. Then either burn/extract disc 2 and place on hdd and run the xex or use iso2god