Not sure if its known or not, but this, in my hour or so of testing, appears to be fully compatible with the Gamepass version, despite what the WeMod app says.
Simply drag and drop the Outlast 2 exe file located here for me on Win10:
" C:\Program Files\WindowsApps\12495RedBarrels-Montreal.Outlast2GamePass_1.0.2.0_x64__hvfjwf428ytt4\Binaries\Win64 "
For whatever reason the browse method didn’t work, so just drag and drop.
Will update if anything changes.
I got Outlast 2 on the new Xbox Cloud Gaming Thing, Kinda sad that you can’t use cheats with it, cause i keep dying lol
unlimited health do not work
Due to the nature of the freeze cheat, unfortunately Nick And Laird can snipe you even in freeze mode, hence bypassing their state.
Apologies with the Necropost.
I downloaded outlast 2 now, there is a cheat in wemod, I downloaded it at epic games, now I delete it again? WHY didn’t you make a special cheat menu for epic games WHY?
confirming that this still does not work and stealth mode should be added
Hi need uptades plz, the unlimited Health doesnt works and “Freeze Enemies” we cant open the doors. Maybe can we add an “stealth mode” or “invisibility mode” ?
Yeah It sucks I’m trying to get the achievements for insane mode. What seems to work is the unlimited stamina and unlimited battery life but not the unlimited health and I had to disable super speed and enemy freeze as it was messing with the game. Literally all I need is to not be one shot hit by enemies and I am happy. @STiNGERR
Hi! Have you tried launching the game initially and waiting until you can freely navigate within the game world before opening the mods by clicking PLAY
on the WeMod app? If that doesn’t work, try launching the game first, and once you are on the main menu, open the mods by clicking PLAY again.
Ok I will try that right now thank you for the quick and speedy response if it dose not work I have another mod for outlast 2 I am looking at to help me with the trophies
Edit: No It did not work unfortunately.
Just to confirm, are you currently using other mods alongside WeMod?
No. Not for the games I was using it on at least.
Gotcha. While I don’t own the game myself, if it has a save slot feature, could you try creating a new save game and use the WeMod trainer only and see if it works?
unlimited health doesnt work for insane mode, can this be fixed?