Outpost: Infinity Siege Cheats and Trainer for Steam

yes please update unlimited ammo, and, it should work on turrets also, or another cheat that does keep infinite ammo on turrets.


it does already

U don’t need that option, scan range scales with core output

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But the function of wireless bullets seems to be out of use

Thanks i didnt know that.

How? Infinite ammo currently does not work at all for me.

the infinite ammo hack is currently broken and we are waiting for it to be fixed.

hell I cant even play the game as my current strategy is taking in one ammo box to keep turrets loaded and I’m on the return day on stage 4 city ruins with no ammo and no way to exit as i finally found the high energy source. so we wait

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Just FYI, the infinite money option also does not work, it visually shows the money capped, but when you try to buy something you’re not allowed and the option is red. When you disable the option, it goes back to what it was before that. I don’t think this is due to the last update, because I had this issue before it too.

  1. Ammo is infinite, but building materials were not consumed when this worked.
    Since this is no longer usable, turrets cannot be mass-produced.
    I think the name Infinite Material is appropriate.
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i think the lack of items becoming less was a side affect rather then a planned thing

The Outpost: Infinity Siege cheats have been updated!


  • Edit Core Outpost cheat added
  • Ignore Crafting Requirements cheat added
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thanks for fixing the mods.

doesn’t work in coop for infinite ammo and other’s cheese. only run speed works in coop mode.

Most mods done by WEmod teams are not meant for Multiplayer of any kind this is not un expected

Is there going to be a “Infinite Turret ammo” mod eventually?

Seems like “Ignore Crafting Requirements” broke again.

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Yeah, “Ignore Crafting Requirements” was working earlier today but now it toggles on and then immediately off.

The Outpost: Infinity Siege cheats have been updated!


  • Bug fixes and game compatibility improvements
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does not work, the ignore crafting requirements is still faulty

Ignore crafting requirements is still not working…