Palworld Cheats and Trainer for Steam

Hey guys… Was working earlier and then stopped all of a sudden stopped and cant get it to work? any update?

Screenshot (4)

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Should load all the way into the game first, then activate the cheats. That’s what works for me

You’re using them inn single player right? They work for me just fine

Is there any way that we can get something to increase egg hatch time?

Thanks for the release!

Possible to add dev console?


my experience too. it just refuses to load cheats.

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I’m admin of my own server will the mods work on it ?

The cheats was designed for offline. It doesn’t work if you just join someone else server. I assume if you made your own online server it may work but i haven’t tested it. But if you try yourself it will not work on any type of online or community servers. Keep in mind it doesn’t stop people from cheating as there are other places that do make them for online.

I was wondering if you would release something for effigies used for capture power. I’m sure a lot of people that lost their capture power from the bug would appreciate it. Thank you.

Report bug and seek for help

I used no item weight function yesterday and it worked well. I was overweight like 1900/1000 at that moment. I put those heavy stuffs away and quit game.

Today when load the game again I found I am overweight without the mod. I think I am right now like 300/1000, but the game is stuck in 1900/1000 as I was yesterday when I used this cheat function.

Could you pleae tell me if I can get back to normal ?


Cheat request - something to speed up the time it takes for the breeding pen to produce an egg.

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Either drop some items or use the mod again and drop an item and pick it up to have unlimited weight again.

I’m getting the same problem and yes I’m in a solo offline mode It has been working since Sat but for some reason, it just stopped working today. It keeps saying to allow firewall and exclude from AV but even after doing what you did, still nothing just keeps loading.

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Mod stopped working, try to go in game let lit load but still fail. I had submited a report. Look like only this game have problems, I tested other game and it worked well

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What does the “All Pals are Rare” cheat do?

Shining pals. (great stats)

Same issue. The mod was working fine till today morning. Was there an overnight update to the game? Steam doesn’t says there was.

It would be nice to be able to modify the shiny appear rate instead of all. The reason is the noise they make gets irritating.

Aside from that a way to edit the palbox size would be great, but i’m betting improbable.
Aside from that the ability to change the pal’s fusion level.

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WeMod worked perfectly until this morning. It constantly fails to load now and I have literally chnaged nothing on the PC. Is it a bug? are we awaiting an update? sigh… there goes my infinte carryweight lol

New patch was released - Steam version patch v0.1.3.0