Post your computer specs!

Damm dude when was your pc made in 2002 cuz thats a peice of s*** computer damm

Uhh 2003-2004 I think. Its a sony vaio laptop and still works great. Don’t feel the need for a new one when this runs everything just fine.

well try to upgrade your ram cuz 1gb. Amazing your pc still runs with 7 on it

Runs just fine, there is someone on here running w7 on like 526mb I think. And I’m getting a new HP in a few days so no need for me upgrading anything.

kool what type of hp

Wow I’d assume you’d have some super 1337 computer the way you’re talking, guess what yours isn’t really that amazing either. If it works for him, leave the dude alone. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

HP elitebook 8440w small business laptop. Then custom build a pc

HP’s Small & Medium Business Online Store

I get a good discount on them from my dads works, so I will be paying more around $900

I don’t game so I don’t need any high end gfx card. I talk on aim, skype, using visual stuidios and a few other programs.

yes i do have a super 1337 computer. I keep it in my attaic because its to powerfull for daily use i can use it only for 5min for 1337 stuff otherwise bad things will happen, and what does if it aint broke, dont fix it saying supposed to mean. Cuz how do u fix something that isnt broken

CPU: Intel Core i7 @ 2.80 GHz
Graphics card: GeForce 330m w/1GB
Memory/Ram: 8GB
Motherboard: who knows
OS: Windows 7 Professional

well on hp,s site they have driver downloads to upgrade your pc like for graphics cards, adapters, etc. Cuz when i first bought my pc the graphics card sucked but with the help of their upgrade program i can now play any game on high settings. So when u get ur pc check it out to see if you can make anything better

Yeah I bet, and really are you that dumb that you can’t understand a common English idiom?

Back on topic, just got this case from a giveaway I won:

Will be installing some stuff in it soon to test it out.

Really drivers can only boost performance small amounts, unless you didn’t have them installed at all. It’s not like they can magically upgrade your computer.

I guarantee you can’t run any games on high settings with that built in intel video card.

What does the almighty cheater do that needs 8gbs of ram? At least you didn’t go 24gb over kill.

CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 BE @ 3.20GHz
Graphics card: HIS ATI Radeon HD 5770 @1GB
Memory/Ram: 4GB DDR3 RAM
Motherboard: Gigabyte with USB 3.0
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64
HDD: 1TB Sata 3 Western Digital

would you like me to make you a video or something showing you i can run a game on max settings. And the downloads on hp,s site boost the hardware within your system making it run faster better and can handle alot more quality with fast speed

Visual Studio, Photoshop, Minecraft, and IDA open a lot.

Visual Studio, gay porn, photoshop, gay porn, minecraft, gay porn…

Your PC won’t use more than 6GB 90% of the time ><
I dont’ even hit max RAM usage when rendering a 1080p video or rendering in C4D.

What kind of computer do you have? And did you ever decide on a new one?

Me too and I only have 4GB DDR3…