Post Your Emblem Here!

Not my problem. Ask a mod why it did. I was surprised myself when I found out. I have no idea.

This thread is so dead why is it still a sticky?

i cant get a pic but i got the impossible triangle

Open Me

this is my what you think

Sooo original -.- killed it.

I had the ghost form ghostbusters. But people started doing it too, so i just had the 15th with some graphics looks sick.

I just took a screenshot on the CoD: Elite website, but I guess that works too.
Just a simple heart :wink:

inb4 Why aren’t you banned?

I’ve had this emblem since Black Ops release, The reason behind me not getting banned is because it’s original and it’s not just one of your stupid swastika’s that you’ve seen all over.

Nice find!

Mine is a minecraft creeper face, but I gott perma banned off live so no pic

Originality: 0


Open Me

Great forum, I like to solve many problems

How you get Prestige14 skull if your Prestige 13?

< 3 iPhone < 3

Remember when the fading thingy came out? Everyone had to have it!

I had a nice swazi then i played with Jugga Jugga and JD2020 a long time ago them got banned a few mins later :anguished:

This thread has been stickied in the Black Ops 2 Section!

Please post all Black Ops or Black Ops 2 emblems and player cards here!


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