Post your speed test

My cousins speed test O_o

Verizon FTL!

I’ll post my desktop speed later this is only my laptop :confused:

Give me your internet now!

Shopped. You forgot to add the link in the picture.

EDIT: Wait maybe not lmao

^ Is that good…? O_o

He used the direct link not the forum link.

Its pretty good compared to some of these people


Mine’s uberly awesome isnt it :slight_smile:
Jk I know v_v I have better connection stealing wifi thru a string of yard across the sea to Russia (Im on the east coast)

I’m running a wireless connection, and have iPhone/Xbox 360 on my network.

I haz Xbox Live running right now + my iPod Touch so not bad I guess.:thumbsup:

This is mine probs not the best :smile:
But im downloading and on my ipod nd stuff as well so …:slight_smile:

Well this makes me feel a lot better about my internet lol there are only like 4 or so of you that have better internet than me :smiley: (Depending on what you rate it by)
Especially considering I am 300 miles from it lol. Screw Minnesota

This is just sad.