Prestige Video (Level 55 req)

My school blocks EVERYTHING, its so freaking stupid, it baffles me that XboxMB isnt blocked, even sites like the huffington post and the new yorker are blocked. My schools security system is so stupid.

Really? That’s why its a sticky and there is video proof of it working, do you have video proof of it NOT working? That’s what I thought…

can someone tell me who has the video, or add me as a friend Oiv Steady please, as i was deranked by a knob lol

Of course you’ll get banned at some point :smile:

I vouch for him. This completely works. Thanks A LOT!!! :thumbsup:

100% Legit.

Got my prestige token.

This has not to happen.

So Basically you have to unlock dead silence to prestige :smiley:

Did anyone else move it to their vault?

I have it off course. PM me for my GT

Can some one tell me what his GT is!? :smiley:

No. Only trusted members(>100posts and 100 thanks) get my GT. If they are kind enough, they will invite you. Or you have to wait until knockback is online again.

How do you get to the video on the vault?

Gears can you invite: Vuzo

You just copy it.

And yes when I get online, I´ll invite you.

what if you do it at level 1? does it glitch and give you a token?

also can you add me please?

We don´t know that yet.

Gears can you plz invite me?

Go here to do this its better … [details=Open Me]The Tech Game - Vis’s Offical MW3 Next Prestige Glitch! | Open | Fast![/details]

So it just prestiges you up? Useless if I’m already level 80… O_o

Yes it does.

If it gives you the token…you can derank and prestige repeatedly to get more tokens…right?